
A reflection on censorship, intellectual freedom, and disinformation.

Since October 7, Gaza has been undergoing a genocide at the hands of Israel, and its supporters. Simultaneously, the West consumes and perpetuates an onslaught of propaganda and disinformation about Palestine, in service of Israel’s Zionist agenda. People who advocate for Palestine are being fired, doxxed and face other censorship challenges. Librarians, archivists and other information workers must make sense of our role in the fight against these attacks.

In collaboration with Ph.D. candidate Alia Reza, and Librarians and Archivists with Palestine (LAP), up//root surveyed LAP-affiliated information professionals on censorship, intellectual freedom and disinformation as it relates to the genocide in Gaza. The full reflection features a personal essay by Reza and survey responses which highlight real life perspectives and experiences.

“Information workers have an obligation
to care.”

- Anonymous, archivist